
Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has refuted claims that he used to be in a romantic relationship with ex-TV girl Jacque Maribe.

This is after Maribe told the Court that she was with Mike Sonko on the night Monicah Kimani died.

Sonko confirmed the news arguing that he had taken Maribe and another group of people out for drinks.

A Tweep by the name of Karen Wanjiku says Sonko should stop assuming Kenyans are stupid and admit to dating Maribe

“Jackie Maribe now says that one Mike Sonko was chewing her rosecoco the night Monica Kimani was killed.” She Tweeted

Sonko told her off saying she should learn to mind her business.

The former Governor says he was not with Maribe alone on the night Monicah Kimani was killed

“Watu wangu, I’m going through the comments on the Jacky Maribe’s case so that I deal with dirty minded guys like Karen Wanjiku who are alleging ati nilikula Jacky hio usiku. Kulikuwa na madem six kwani ilikuwa 7sum? He questioned

The online war escalated quickly with Karen attacking Sonko’s bedroom skills.

He retaliated saying on the night Karen allegedly offered himself to him, he was not in the mood.

“Weweafter game unalala fofofo na unakuwa mstiff kama maiti ya shakahola. You’re lucky siku ile ulinipea my battery was low.” He warned

Taking to his socials, Sonko detailed the events of his night with Maribe on the night Monicah died.

“On this matter, if I’m summoned by the court, I’ll tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Na kwa mukhtasari tu I’m not the type of friend who disowns his friends at times of trouble.

I was indeed with Jackie Maribe at Citizen TV when I was being interviewed on the JKL show on the 19th of September, 2018, from about 9:45 pm.

I was accompanied by Chela Ruto, Hon. Juju, Hon. Nancy, Hon. Anita (huyu ni yule nilipea the late Hon. Ken Okoth akaweka ball.

May his soul continue resting in peace) and other male friends by then Odhis, Show, Swaleh, Pinye, among others.” Shared Sonko

Sonko further added

“After the show, I volunteered to take all those who were with me for kamvinyo and nyama choma kule Club forty forty which belonged to my friend Allan Igambi formerly GM Serena, and Lilian Towers who was also present.

Tulipiga sherehe kwanza mimi nilikuwa na piga Hennesiree Vsop na majiree na around 4am I left for home.

Since hii Mushene was there from the day Jackie was arrested, I managed to download the CCTV ya the club. Iko.”

Sonko says he does not know Jowie, who was t the time Maribe’s fiance

“However, I do not know Jowie Irungu, and I don’t support his actions at all on that material day, and if it’s true he murdered Monica Kimani, let the law take its course.

That’s is all I wish to state. Upande wa mashtaka muko na swali kwa huyu shahidi. Ohhh ilikuwa ikakuwa, sijui mbirimbi, ukwaju, achari, kitumbua.”

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