Steam Deck Production Increased, Q3 Order Fulfillment To Begin

Steam Deck Production Increased, Q3 Order Fulfillment To Begin

Valve announced that it has increased Steam Deck production, and it will be shipping “more than double the number of Steam Decks every week.”

Along with the news of increased production, Valve also announced the beginning of Q3 order fulfillment. People in Q3 should start to begin receiving emails after June 30. The last of the Q2 emails have also been sent out. If you’re in Q2 and still expecting an email, Valve says it’s on its way. To check the status of your Steam Deck preorder, login to your account and check this page.

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Now Playing: Steam Deck Introducing Deck Verified

If you miss your order window, Valve offers a grace period of a few days to still obtain the Steam Deck. Customers can go to Steam’s support page, select “Contact Steam Support,” and let the company know of your situation.

Hello! Some great news on the production front. We just sent the last batch of Q2 emails, and we’ll start sending Q3 reservation emails on the 30th.

Production has picked up, and after today we’ll be shipping more than double the number of Steam Decks every week!

— Steam Deck (@OnDeck) June 27, 2022

While preorders in the “After Q3” category are currently still slated for October 2022 and later, with increased production–we could see after Q3 orders getting fulfilled earlier than that.

Valve’s Steam Deck has been pretty successful and is a way for people to play their favorite PC games on a mobile device. GameSpot wrote up a Steam Deck review, and reviewer Alessandro Barbosa said, “There’s a very clear market for the Steam Deck. It’s a device purpose-built for a selection of people that already have established Steam libraries and simply want the most convenient and performant way to continue those games away from a desktop.”

Steam’s Summer Sale is currently taking place as well, with major discounts on all types of games. You can check out our roundup of the best Steam Summer 2022 Sale deals.

The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors.
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